P-Valley is an American drama television series created by Katori Hall. The series is an adaptation of Hall’s play, Pussy Valley, and follows the lives of employees working at a strip club called The Pynk in the fictional city of Chucalissa, Mississippi. Set in the Mississippi Delta and characterized by its distinctive Southern-Gothic feel, P-Valley examines the social and economic lives of the club’s dancers, using its characters to examine the vagaries of sex work from different labor perspectives.
P-Valley is produced by Chermin Entertainment and Kat Buggy Productions for Starz (Lionsgate Television).
Matthew was called on to co-produce the original music and compose the score for several episodes for the series. P-Valley airs on Sunday nights at 8pm on Starz.
Starring in P-Valley:
Brandee Evans
Nicco Annan
Shannon Thornton
J. Alphonse Nicholson
Carolyn Braver
Parker Sawyers
Elarica Johnson
Harriett D. Foy
Tyler Lepley
Dan J. Johnson
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