Boomerang is an American comedy television series continuing the story from the 1992 American romantic comedy film created by Eddie Murphy. The series follows the lives of Jacqueline Boyer’s son (Bryson) played by Tequan Richmond and Marcus and Angela Graham’s daughter (Simone) played by Tetona Jackson as they try to step out of their parents’ shadows and make a legacy of their own. The seriesĀ is described as an updated version that explores contemporary workplace dynamics, including the changing role of gender, office politics, relationships and the conflicts between Generation X and millennials.
Boomerang is produced by Paramount for BET Networks/Viacom and Executive Produced by Emmy winner Lena Waithe and Academy Award winner Halle Berry.
Matthew was called on to compose the musical score for the series. Boomerang can be seen on Tuesdays on BET 10pm/9c.
Tequan Richmond
Tetona Jackson
Leland Martin
Lala Milan
RJ Walker
Brittany Inge
Joey BadA$$
Kimberly Hall